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Gender-responsive implementation of the Sendai Framework for DRR

April 2023

This tookit has been developed for national women's machinery, for national DRR machinery, and for UN Women staff (regional and country-level) to support gender-responsive implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction at a regional level.

The main purpose of the toolkit is to address disproportionate disaster impacts for women and girls and mobilise their meaningful participation and leadership in disaster and climate prevention, mitigation, preparedness, recovery, and resilience building. As this guidance was originally prepared for the East and Southern Africa Regional Office (ESARO), examples given are specific to this region.

Four guidance notes have been developed for key stakeholder groups and supported by 20 notes on specific topics linked to gender-responsive implementation of the Sendai Framework. All of these may be accessed on this page. 

List of guidance

Guidance 1: Women’s machinery - formal governance structures assigned to promote gender equality and improve the status and rights of women (e.g., Ministry of Women’s Affairs, Ministry of Social Affairs, government gender focal points)

Guidance 2: Disaster Risk Reduction machinery - formal governance structures assigned to manage disaster and climate risks, support post-disaster recovery, and secure risk informed and resilience development (e.g., National Disaster Management Agencies, climate change departments, central development planning agencies, national line ministries)

Guidance 3: UN Women Regional staff (with a focus on East and Southern Africa)

Guidance 4: UN Women Country staff (with a focus on East and Southern Africa)

List of notes

Overview tools

Note 1: Understanding gender-responsive implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)

Note 2: Overview of disaster risk reduction, disaster risk management, risk-informed development, and resilience

Note 3: DRR machinery in Africa

Note 4: Women’s machinery in Africa

Priority 1 - Understanding disaster risks

Note 5: Using gender data to inform monitoring and reporting of the Sendai Framework

Note 6: Introduction to conducting Gender Analysis

Note 7: Understanding the gender dimensions of risk - a checklist

Note 8: Inclusion of Sexual orientations, Gender Identities and Expressions, and Sex Characteristics (SOGIESC) in Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience

Priority 2 - Strengthening disaster risk governance to manage disaster risk

Note 9: Legal basis for gender inclusion in the SFDRR and resilience

Note 10: Why and with whom to coordinate?

Note 11: Gender inclusion in national and local platforms for DRR

Note 12: Gender and DRR tool for parliamentarians

Note 13: Sendai Framework Voluntary Commitments Platform

Note 14: Guidance and tools for mainstreaming age and disability in DRR

Note 15: Women’s leadership in DRR

Priority 3 - Investing in disaster risk reduction

Note 16: Gender-responsive investments in DRR

Priority 4 - Enhancing disaster preparedness for effective response and to “Build Back Better” in recovery, rehabilitation, and reconstruction

Note 17: Gender-responsive early warning systems and early action

Note 18: Gender-responsive disaster preparedness

Note 19: Gender-responsive humanitarian action and early recovery

Note 20: Gender in Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) and recovery processes
