Explore UN Member State progress in achieving gender-responsive and inclusive policies and plans for risk reduction and resilience.
The WRD Policy Tracker follows the progress developing gender-responsive and inclusive legal, policy, and planning frameworks in 193 UN Member States.
The WRD Policy Tracker considers the following:
- The high-risk groups identified in the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.
- LGBTQIA+ groups, which are not referenced in the Sendai Framework.
- Laws, policies, strategies, and plans at the regional and national level, and if publicised on the internet, the subnational level.
- Disaster risk reduction and management policies, and where publicised on the internet, climate change, and risk informed development and resilience frameworks.
- The level of inclusion in policy development (to the extent that this is possible through desk-based review), which can range from tokenistic consultation, through to meaningful participation.