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Gender statistics training curriculum

October 2020
Risk Gender data

This training curriculum was developed by UN Women and the Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (SIAP), under the guidance of the Subgroup on Gender Statistics Training, within the Asia-Pacific Network of Statistical Training Institutes. It has been designed to guide trainers on how to conduct related training. The syllabus can also be used by learners who wish to know more about this topic and people who are generally interested in gender statistics.

Targeted audience:

- Statisticians and other experts that wish to understand what gender statistics are and how these can be integrated across different areas of statistics

-Policymakers and decision-makers in general, who are looking to enhance their use of gender data for evidence-based decision-making

-Academics who wish to focus or inform their research through the use of gender data-Civil society organizations that wish to enhance their use of gender data for advocacy or communication purposes

-Media personnel interested in integrating gender data into their media products and presenting a more accurate and comprehensive picture

-Anyone who wishes to find out what gender data is and how to use it
