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Assessing gender in resilience programming: Uganda

June 2016

This case study is one of four commissioned by BRACED to assess the links between resilience and gender in partners' projects. It documents approaches used to promote gender equality within the BRACED Mercy Corps project, as well as the latent challenges and opportunities in this process.

The case study has been written by practitioners and reflects on their own gender-sensitive practices. The objective is to compare experiences with other case studies (Myanmar and Burkina Faso) with the aim to inform other organisations implementing resilience-based programmes on the lessons and promising practices to mainstream gender equality.

The publication highlights the following key messages:

  • social inequality exacerbates vulnerability, undermining attempts to build resilience;
  • reducing gender inequality and empowering women, men, boys and girls is critical to the success of the project;
  • there are a number of opportunities that the project can harness to increase its gender-related impact and drive resilience in the region;
  • many challenges remain such as:
    • the project's short timeframe;
    • the number of actors working in the same space;
    • the challenges inherent in trying to communicate and secure support for gender and resilience activities.